Saturday, 12 May 2018

How do you get rid of old appliances?

Sometimes we all need to get rid of old appliances.  Whether it's from an estate, or you're moving in to a new home and don't want the appliances left behind, or your old ones have broken down and need replacing.

So what does one do with old appliances?

The company delivering your new ones may take them, but they may also charge a fee for the service.  If they do want to charge for it, remember that there are free options too.

For one, the City of Hamilton has [community recycling centres] you can take appliances to for free.  But the city does not provide any pick up for appliances, so you have to lift and transport them to the recycling centre yourself.  

If you're not up to the lifting or don't have a suitable vehicle available, another option is to call a private scrapper. 

A scrapper will typically pick up appliances (and other scrap metals) for free.  They take them apart and sell the scrap metal, possibly salvaging parts, or maybe even fixing them up for resale depending on the individual.  There are lots of these services out there and a quick search on Kijiji for 'scrap metal' should yield several options.  

One scrap metal service that I have used personally and was happy enough with to recommend is [Monster Metal Recycling].  They were responsive, reliable and helped me get rid of some stuff hassle-free. Give them a call if you have stuff sitting around that needs to go.

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