Friday, 25 May 2018

Market Snapshot: May 13-19, 2018

Local MLS® Sales Data

All Hamilton Real Estate Districts Combined*
Total Sales: 181
Average Price: $533,978
Median Price: $482,000 
Avg Days On Market: 31

While still not at quite the same level as this time last year, sale volume did pick up a bit this week.

Prices also saw gain, but with some divergence between the mean average and median.  Average priced went up a noticeable amount this week, but the median stayed more or less the same. This suggests a limited number of higher priced sales skewing the average up.

Time on market went up a little, but still below historical norms.

Average price varies by district. Call to discuss sales data for your specific area, or for a sale price estimate specific to your property. **
*Ancaster, Dundas, Glanbrook, Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Waterdown
** Not intended to solicit clients currently under contract.

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